Rar files for mac shareware
Rar files for mac shareware

Another way to do it is to change your shell profile to have the system look for the file in a location you choose, but I can give you more details on that if you need them. You can avoid having to type "Desktop" each time by moving the application into the top of your user folder. You'll see the new archivefile.rar appear in the same location as the "rar" program. Desktop/rar a archivefile /Users/myuser/file1.txt /Users/myuser/file2.txt The names of all the files will appear after "archivefile", for example: Arrange the Finder and Terminal windows so that you can drag the files into the Terminal. Now, go into the Finder, and multiple-highlight the files and/or folders you want to put into the archive. If your rar application is on your Desktop, go into the Terminal and issue the following command (don't press return yet, but do leave a space after the "archivefile" (which is the name of the file you'll create - you can of course change this) The command-line "rar" has a lot of options, but you can use it to create basic archive files quite simply.

Rar files for mac shareware